Dried Bouquet Flowers
Beautiful Everlasting Dried Bouquet Flowers
Bouquets of beautiful flowers from a special occasion can be everlasting dried bouquet flowers. After special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and commemorative events, very often the beautiful flowers & bouquets are discarded.

Preserved Dried Bouquet Flowers UK Specialist
Let us preserve your flower bouquets & memories forever
Founded in 2019, Suspended Petals is a Warwickshire-based flower preservation business. Our goal is to save our customer's flowers and to help preserve memories that will last a lifetime. Our extensive selection of handcrafted and custom preservation options will help your flowers last forever.
We have mastered the Art of Preserving Flowers
At Suspended Petals, we use various techniques and methods to retain the natural beauty of flowers. This is done by removing moisture from them, allowing them to be enjoyed for an extended period. There are several methods we use for preserving flower bouquets, bunches of flowers and flower stems.
Flowers & Bouquets Preservation Process
Before any bouquet preservation process can begin, the bouquet has to be carefully dismantled at our shop. There are a few techniques for drying bunches of flowers or a mini bouquet. Through our experience, a flower bouquet is best preserved using the silica gel drying technique
Silica gel drying of flowers
Silica gel is a desiccant that can absorb moisture. Flowers are placed in an airtight container with silica gel crystals, which gradually draw out the moisture from the flowers. The process usually takes from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the flowers.
Getting Flowers to our Shop
Before sending any bunches of flowers or a flower bouquet to us, use our website to check for availability. It's a better idea to make a booking for us to make an everlasting bouquet to avoid any disappointment.
Booking a Bouquet of Flowers
Once we receive your booking we will email you the different range of delivery options, if you are local to Nuneaton you can always drop the beautiful bouquets off to be preserved.
Flower Bouquet Received
We will inspect the flower bouquet at our shop for any damage, we take photos of the mini bouquet or flowers before prepping & drying
The Drying Process is complete
After the drying process which normally is 2 to 4 weeks, we will contact you again to let you know the flowers are dried.
Time to get creative
You get to choose the flowers to use to make a unique bouquet. We help you decide the best flower bouquet layout which shows off the flower bouquet.
The Final Preservation Process
To create an everlasting bouquet resin is carefully poured onto the flowers in layers, creating a mini bouquet of encapsulated beauty. Preserving mini bouquets can take a fair amount of time, although, with our experience with flower preservation, you will not be disappointed.
Shipping of finished Preserved flowers
We carefully pack and ship the preserved flowers using Royal Mail, all shipments are trackable online. This ensures you will receive your beautiful mini bouquet of preserved flowers.
Not all Flowers & Flower Bouquets can be preserved
Unfortunately, not all flowers can be preserved, flowers such as lilies, tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and iris. These types of flowers may not always dry out well and take longer to dry than other flowers.
If you are uncertain if we can preserve your flowers, please get in touch. We are here to advise and help you encapsulate and preserve flowers from our special day.